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时间:2011-10-21 00:00:00  来源:3044am永利集团  点击:



A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险

A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号

A/C = Account 账号

AC. = Acceptance 承兑

acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺

a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户

ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条

a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据)

ad.advt. = advertisement 广告

adv. = advice 通知(书)

ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税

A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单

Agt. = Agent 代理商

AI = first class 一级

AM = Amendment 修改书

A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇

Amt. = Amount 额,金额

A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知

A.P. = account payable 应付账款

A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买

a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费

A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款

Art. = Article 条款,项

A/S = account sales 销货清单

a/s = after sight 见票后限期付款

asstd. = Assorted 各色俱备的

att,.attn. = attention 注意

av.,a/v = average 平均,海损

a/v = a vista (at sight) 见票即付


B/-,b/- = bale,bag 包,装

bal.,balce. = balance 余额

bbl. = barrel 桶,樽

B/C = bill for collection 托收票据

B.D. = Bills discounted 贴现票据

B/D = bank draft 银行汇票

b/d = brought down 承前页

B’dle,bdl = bundle 束,把

B/E = bill of exchange 汇票

B/F = brought forward 承前页

bg = bag 袋

BIS = Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行

BK = Bank 银行

Bkg. = Banking 银行业务

B/L = Bill of Lading 提单

B/N = bank note 银行纸币

B.O. = Branch Office 分支行

b/o = brought over 承前

bot. = bottle 瓶

B/P = bill purchased 买入票据,出口押汇

B/P = bills payable 应付票据

B/R = bills receivable 应收票据

Brl.,barl. = barrel 桶,樽

bx = box 箱,盒


C/- = case,currency,coupon 箱,通货,息票

c. =cent,centimes,centigrade 分(美),分(法),百分度(寒暑表)

C.A. = Credit Advice 收款报单

C.A.D. = cash against documents on arrival of good货到后凭单付款

c.a.d. = cash against documents 凭单证付现金

c.a.f.= cost and freight 成本加运费

cat. = catalogue 货品目录

C.B. = clean bill 光票

C/B = Clean Bill 光票

C.B.D. = Cash before delivery 付现金后交货

c.c. = carbon copy,cubic centimeter 副本,立方公分

C/C,C.C = Chamber of Commerce 商会

pC/D = cash against document 凭单据付款

C.D. = Collection and Delivery 托交

Cert.= Certificate 证明书

c/f = carried forward 过次页

C&F = cost and freight 运费在内价

C.F.S. = container freight station 集装箱集散场

c.f.& i. = Cost freight and insurance 运费保险费在内价

C.H. = Clearing House 票据交换所

C.I. = Certificate of Insurance 保险单

C&I = Cost and Insurance 货价及保险

c.i.a. = cash in advance 预付现金

cif,c.i.f. = cost,insurance and freight 运费保险费在内价

c.i.f.&c.= cost,insurance,freight and commission 运费,保险费,利息在内价

C.I.F.E. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Exchange 运费,保险费,汇票在内价

C.I.F.I. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Interest 运费,保险费,利息在内价

C.I.F.C.I.= Cost,Insurance,Freight,Commission and Interest 运费,保险费,佣金,利息在内价

CK = Check 支票

CL = collection 托收

CM = Commission 佣金

C/N.C.N. = credit note,covering note,consignment note 货方通知,保险承保单,发货通知书

C.O. = certificate of origin 产地证明书

c/o = care of carried over 烦转,过次页

Co. = company 公司

c.o.d.= cash on delivery 货到付款

Con.Inv. = Concular Invoice 领事发票

corp. = corporation 法人,公司

C/P = charter party 租船契约

cr. = credit 货方,债权人

cs = case 箱

csk.,ck = cask 樽

C.W.O.= cash with order 现金订货,下定付款

cwt. = hundred weight 衡量名

C.Y. = container yard 集装箱集散场


D/A =documents against acceptance, 承兑后交付单

= documents for acceptance,

= documents attached, 备承兑单据

= deposit account 存款账号

d/a = days after acceptance 承兑后……日付款

D.A. = Debit advice 付款报单

D/D,D. = Demand draft,documentary draft 即期汇票,跟单汇票

d/d = day’s date (days after date) 出票后……日付款

d.f.,d.fet. = dead freight 空载运费(船)

Disc. = Discount 贴现;折扣

DLT = Day Letter Telegram 书信电

D/N = debit note 借方通知

D/O = delivery order 卸货通知书

D/P = documents against payment 付款后交付单据

Dr. = debit debter 借方,债务人

d/s. = days’ sight 见票后……日付款

DV = Dividends 股利


ea. = each 每,各

e.e.E.E. = error excepted 错误除外

E/B = Export-Import Bank 进出口银行(美国)

enc.,encl.= enclosure 附件

E.& O.E. = errors and omissions excepted 错误或遗漏不在此限

ETA = estimated time of arrival 预定到达日期

ex. = example,executive,exchange,extract 例子,执行官,外汇交换,摘要

Exp. = Export 出口


f.a.q.=fair average quality 良好平均品质

f.a.s.=free alongside ship 船边交货价

F.B.E.=foreign bill of exchange 国外汇票

f.c.l.=full container load 整个集装箱装满

f.d.free discharge 卸货船方不负责

F.& D.=Freight and Demurrage 运费及延装费

f.i.=free in 装货船方步负责

f.i.o.=free in and out 装卸货船方均不负责

f.i.o.=free in out stowed and trimming 装卸堆储平仓船方均不负责

f.o.=free out 卸货船方不负责

f.o.,f/o=firm offer 规定时限的报价

f.o.b.=free on board 船上交货价

f.o.c.=free of charge免费

F.O.I.=free of Interest 免息

f.o.r.=free on rail,free on road 火车上交货价

f.o.s.=free on steamer 轮船上交货价

f.o.t.=free on truck 卡车上交货价

f.p.a.=free of particular average 单独海损不保

fr.f=franc,from,free 法郎,从,自由

FX=Foreign Exchange 外汇


g=good,goods,gramme 佳,货物,一克

G/A=general average 共同海损

GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定

gm.=gramme 一克

g.m.b.=good merchantable brand品质良好适合买卖之货品

g.m.q.=good merchantable quality良好可售品质

G/N=Guarantee of Notes 承诺保证

g.s.w.=gross shipping weight 运输总重量

gr.wt.=gross weight 毛重


h.=hour,harbour,height 时,港,高度

H.O.=Head Office 总公司

h.p.=horse power 马力

hr.=hour 时


IATA=International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会

IBRD=International Bank Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行

I/C=Inward Collection 进口托收

ICC=International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会

IMO=International Money Orders 国际汇票

Imp=Import 进口

IN=Interest 利息

IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金

inst.=instant(this month) 本月

int.=interest 利息

Inv.=Invoice 发票

IOU=I owe you 借据

I/P=Insurance Policy 保险单

I/R=Inward Remittance 汇入汇款

ISIC=International Standard Industrial Classification 国际行业标准分类

it.=item 项目


k.=karat(carat) 卡拉(纯金含有度)


K.W.=Kilo Watt 千瓦


L/A=Letter of Authorization 授权书

lbs.=pounds 磅

L/C=Letter of Credit 信用证

L/H=General Letter of Hypothecation 质押权利总股定书

L/I=Letter of Indemnity赔偿保证书

L/G=Letter of Guarantee 保证函

l.t.=long ton 长吨(2,240磅)

L/T=Letter Telegram 书信电报

Ltd.=Limited 有限责任

L/U=Letter of Undertaking 承诺书



m/d=month after date 出票后……月付款

memo.=memorandum 备忘录

M.I.P.=marine insurance policy 海上保险单


M/L=more or less增或减


MO=Money Order拨款单,汇款单,汇票

m/s=months after sight见票后……月付款

m.s.=mail steamer,mail transfer油船,轮船

M.T.=metric ton,mail transfer公吨,信汇

M/T=Mail Transfer信汇

m.v.=motor vessel轮船

MNC=multi-national corporation跨国公司


N.B.=Nota Bene(take notice)注意



Nt.Wt=Net Weight净重



O.B/L=Order bill of lading指示式提单

O.C.P.=Overland Common Point通常陆上运输可到达地点

O/C=Outward Collection出口托收


O/d=overdraft,on demand透支,要求即付款(票据)

O/No.=order number定单编号

o.p.=open policy预约保单

O/R=Outward Remittance汇出汇款

ORT=ordinary telegram寻常电报

o/s=on sale,out of stock廉售,无存货

O/S=old style老式

o.t.=old term旧条件



P/A,p/a=particular average单独海损

pa=power of attorney委任状

=private account私人账户

p.a.=per annum(by the year)每年

p.c.=per cent,petty cash百分比,零用金

p.l.=partial loss分损

P.&I.=Protection and Indemnity意外险

P.&L.=profit and loss益损

P.M.O.=postal money order邮政汇票

P/N=promissory note本票

P.O.B.=postal office box邮政信箱

p.o.d.=payment on delivery交货时付款

P.O.D.=Pay on Delivery发货付款

P/O=Payment Order支付命令

P/R=parcel receipt邮包收据

prox.=proximo(next month)下月



P.T.O.=please turn over请看里面

PTL=private tieline service电报专线业务











RFWD=rain,fresh water damage雨水及淡水险


r.m.=ready money,readymade备用金,现成的


R.O.=remittance Order汇款委托书

R.P.=reply paid,returnof post邮下或电费预付,请即会示



S.A.=-Statement of Account账单

s.a.=subject to approval以承认(赞成,批准)为条件

S/C=sale contract售货合同

S/D=sight draft即期汇票

S/D=sea damage海水损害



S/N=shipping note装运通知

S.O.s.o.=shipping order,seller’s option装船通知书,卖方有权选择


s.t.=short ton短吨


T/A=telegraphic address电报挂号


T.L.O.=total loss only只担保全损(分损不赔)

T.M.O.=telegraphic money order电报汇款

T.R.=trust receipt信托收据

T.T.=telegraphic transfer电汇

TPND=theft,pilferage and nondelivery盗窃遗失条款


ult.=ultimo(last month)上月




V.V.=Vice Versa反之亦然


w.a.=with average水渍险(单独海损赔偿)

war=with risk担保一切险

W/B=way bill warehouse book货运单,仓库簿



W/M=weight or measurement重量或容量

w.p.a.=with particular average单独海损赔偿

W.R.=War Risk战争险

W.R.=warehouse receipt仓单



x.d.=ex dividend除息

XX=good quality良好品质

XXX=very good quality甚佳品质

XXXX=best quality最佳品质






ZCL=Zone di Commercia自由贸易区



Native Produce Animal By-products Import and Export Corporation 土产畜产进出口公司

Chemicals Import and Export Corporation 化工进出口公司

Metals Minerals Import and Export Corporation 五金矿产进出口公司

Electronics Import and Export Corporation 电子技术进出口公司

Electric Wire Cable Export Corporation 电线电缆出口联营公司

Publishing Industry Trading Corporation 出版对外贸易公司

Packaging Import and Export Corporation 包装进出口公司

Instruments Import and Export Corporation 仪器进出口公司

Historical Relics Exhibition Corporation for Foreign Countries 对外文物展览公司

Performing Arts Agency 对外演出公司

Overseas Building Materials and Equipment Corporation 对外建筑材料设备公司

Foreign Trade Storage Corporation 对外贸易仓储公司

foreign Trade Transportation Corporation 对外贸易运输公司

Foreign Trade Consultation Technical Service Corporation 对外贸易咨询与技术服务公司

Exhibition Agency for Foreign Countries 对外展览公司

Export Commodities Fair 出口商品交易会

Machinery Equipment Import and Export Corporation 机械设备进出口公司

Complete Plant import and Export Corporation 成套设备进出口公司

Communications Import and Export Service Corporation 交通进出口服务公司

Machine-building International Corporation 机械对外经济技术合作公司

Machinery Import and Export Corporation 机械进出口公司

Corporation for International Cooperation in Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery 农牧渔业国际合作公司

Import and Export Service Company for Farms and Land Reclamation 农垦进出口服务公司

Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation 进出口商品检验公司

Technical Import and Export Corporation 技术进出口公司

Textiles Import and Export Corporation 纺织品进出口公司

Import Corporation of Textile Machinery 纺织机械进出口公司

Import Corporation of Technology of Textile Machinery 纺织机械技术进出口公司

Metallurgical Import and Export Corporation 冶金进出口公司

Forestry Import and Export Company 林业进出口公司

Forestry Machinery Import and Export Company 林业机械进出口公司

International Packaging Leasing Corporation Ltd. 国际包装租赁有限公司

International Non-ferrous Metals Leasing Corporation Ltd. 国际有色金属租赁有限公司

International Book Trading Corporation 国际图书贸易有限公司

International Economic Consultants Incorporation 国际经济咨询公司

International Marine Containers Ltd. 国际海运集装股份有限公司

Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation 轻工业品进出口公司

Publication Import and Export Corporation 图书进出口公司

Tea and Native Produce Import and Export Corporation 茶叶土产进出口公司

Animal Breeding Stock Import and Export Corporation 种畜进出口公司

Bearing Joint Export Corporation 轴承出口联营公司

Aero-technology Import and Export Corporation 航空技术进出口公司

Tobacco Import and Export Corporation 烟草进出口公司

Leasing Company Ltd. 租赁有限公司

Railway Foreign Service Corporation 铁路对外服务公司

Cereals, Oil and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation 粮油食品进出口公司

Coal Import and Export Corporation 煤炭进出口公司

Microforms Import and Export Corporation 缩型出版物进出口公司

Precision Machinery Import and Export corporation 精密机械进出口公司

Abrasives Export Corporation 磨料磨具进出口公司

Scientific Instrument import and Export Corporation 科学仪器进出口公司

foreign Trade Corporation 对外贸易公司

Aquatic Products Import and Export Corporation 水产进出口公司

Ceramics Import and Export Corporation 陶瓷进出口公司

International Cooperation Corporation of Economics and Technology 国际经济技术进出口公司

Trading Company 贸易公司

comprehensive Trading Company 综合贸易公司

Trade Development Company 贸易发展公司

Overseas Economic Trading Company 海外经济贸易公司

Investment Company 投资公司

Trust Company 信托公司

International Trust and Investment Company 国际信托投资公司

Loan Investment Company 信贷投资公司

Overseas Chinese Investment Company 华侨投资公司

Peoples Insurance Agency 人民保险公司

Labor Insurance Agency 劳动保险公司

Life Insurance Agency 人寿保险公司

Pacific Insurance Agency 太平洋保险公司

Securities Agency 证券公司

Stock Exchange 股票交易所

Futures Exchange 期货交易所

Commodities Futures Exchange 商品期货交易所

Futures Brokerage Company Ltd. 期货经纪有限公司

Cereals and Oil Futures Exchange 粮油期货交易所


Posts and Telecommunications Apparatus Company 邮电器材公司

Posts and Telecommunications Engineering Company 邮电工程公司

Running-water Company 自来水公司

Water and Electricity Construction Company 水电建设公司

Power Industry Company 电力工业公司

Electrical Installing Company 电力安装公司

Air Line 航空公司

Shipping Company 船舶公司

Ocean Transportation Company 远洋运输公司

Salvage Company 打捞公司

Ocean Shipping Agency 外轮代理公司

Ocean Shipping Tally Company 外轮理货公司

Ship-building Company 造船公司

Automobile Transportation Company 汽车运输公司

Container Transportation Company 集装箱运输公司

Storage and Transportation Company 储运公司

Taxi Company 出租汽车公司

Automobile Service Company 汽车修理公司

Ocean Shipping Supply Company 外轮供应公司

Fishing-boat Industry Company 渔船工业公司

Automobile Parts Company 汽车配件公司

Automation Engineering Company 自动化工程公司

Microcomputer Company 微电脑公司

Computer Company 计算机公司

Computer Software Development Company 计算机软件开发公司

Hardware Company 五金公司

Household Electric Appliance Company 家用电器公司

Refrigerator Industry Company 电冰箱工业公司

Radio Apparatus Company 无线电器材公司

Performing Instrument Company 演出器材公司

Printing Apparatus Company 印刷器材公司

Teaching Instrument Company 教学仪器公司


Metallurgical Industry Company 冶金工业公司

Non-ferrous Metals Industry Company 有色金属工业公司

Minerals Industry Company 矿产工业公司

Coal Mining Industry Company 煤矿工业公司

Coal Industry Company 煤炭工业公司

Gas Company 煤气公司

Fuel Company 燃料公司

Industrial Fuel Company 工业燃料公司

Petroleum Company 石油公司

Petroleum Processing Company 石油炼制公司

Oil Gas Exploration and Development Company 石油天然气勘探开发公司

Petroleum Engineering Construction Company 石油工程建设公司

Chemical Industry Company 化工工业公司

Raw Materials Company of Chemical Industry 化工原料公司

Construction Company of Chemical Industry 化工建设公司

Salt Company 盐业公司

Light Industry Company 轻工业公司

Supply and Sales Company of Light Industry 轻工供销公司

Plastics Industry Company 塑料工业公司

Leather Industry Company 皮革工业公司

Bicycle Industry Company 自行车工业公司

Clothing Industry Company 服装工业公司


Literature and Art Development Company 文艺发展公司

Cultural Expansion Company 文化开拓公司

Cultural Service Firm 文化服务公司

Performing Company 演出公司

Film Company 电影公司

Film Service Firm 电影服务公司

Broadcasting and Television Industry Company 广播电视工业公司

Acoustics Engineering Company 音响工程公司

Record Company 唱片公司

Photography Industry Company 照相工业公司

Exhibition Agency 展览公司

Advertising Agency 广告公司

Arts and Crafts Industry Company 工艺美术工业公司

Art Design Firm 美术设计公司

Art Decoration Firm 美术装潢公司

Packaging Decoration Firm 包装装潢公司


Building Engineering Company 建筑工程公司

Building Foundation Company 建筑基础公司

Civil Engineering Company 土木工程公司

Garden Construction Engineering Company 园林建筑工程公司

Building Material Company 建筑材料公司

Building Material Supply Company 建筑材料供应公司

Building Material Trading Company 建材贸易公司

Building Material Service Company 建筑材料服务公司

New Building Material Company 新型建筑材料公司

Real Estate Development Company 房地产开发公司

Real Estate Agency 房产代理公司

Industrial Equipment Installing Company 工业设备安装公司

Installing Company of Chemical Industry 化工安装公司

Electrical Installing Company 机电安装公司

Building Decoration Company 建筑装修(装饰)公司

Building Decoration Engineering Company 建筑装修(装饰)工程公司

Commercial Company 商业公司

Collective Commercial Company 集体商业公司

Overseas Chinese Commodities Supply Company 华侨商品供应公司



1.Personnel Department 人事部

2.Human Resource Department 人力资源部

3.Sales Department 营销部

4.Product Development Department 产品开发部

5. Public Relations Department 公关部

6.Marketing Department 市场部

7.Finance Department 财会部

8.Purchasing(Procurement) Department采购部

9.After-sale Service Department 售后服务部

10.Quality Control Department 品管部


1. Chairman of the Board 董事长

2. President (Am E.) 总裁

3. Executive Vice-President 执行副总裁

4. Managing Director 行政董事

5. Executive Manager,General Manager 总经理

6. Deputy General Manager 副总经理

7. Section Manager 部门经理,科长

8. Sales Manager 销售部经理

9. Assistant Manager 助理经理 (副经理)

10. Manager 主任

11. Sales Representative 销售代表

12. Supervisor 总管

13. executive 高中级管理人员

14. clerk 职员


TPRM (Trade Policy Review Mechanism)贸易审议机制

TRIPS (Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights) 与贸易有关的知识产权

TRIMS (Trade-Related Investment Measures)与贸易有关的投资措施

TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade)技术性贸易壁垒

HS (Harmonized Commodity and Coding System)商品名称及编码协调制度

DSB (Dispute Settlement Body)争端解决机制

Mediation of Dispute 商业纠纷调解

Non-discrimination 非歧视

Antidumping Duty 反倾销税

Countervailing Duty 反补贴税

GSP (Generalized System of Preference)普惠制

TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit)标准集装箱

MFN (Most Favored Nations) 最惠国

Tax Rebate 出口退税

Image Project 形象工程

MPC (Marginal Propensity to Consume)边际消费倾向

Business Cycle 商业周期

Initial Public Offering (IPO)首次公开发行

Capital Spending Binge 资本投资狂潮

Venture Capital 风险资本

Single Market 单一市场

Clearing and Settlement Systems 清算及结算系统

Top Priority 当务之急

Blue Chip Index 蓝筹股指数

Consumer Confidence 消费者信心

Social Security 社会保障

Liquid Investment 短期投资

Economic Stimulus 经济刺激

Production Capacity 生产能力

Real Wages 实际收入

Boom-and-Bust Cycle 经济繁荣与萧条交替循环

Tax Exemption 免税

Trade Liberalization 贸易自由化

Flow of Goods and Capital 贸易及资本流动

Import Substitution 进口替代

Trade Sanction 贸易制裁

Trade Reciprocity 贸易互惠

Multilateral Environmental Agreement 多边环境协议

Harmonization of Standards 标准统一

Investment Regime 投资管理体制

Action Plan 行动计划

Financial and Budgetary Provisions 财政及预算拨款

Efficient Allocation of Resources 资源有效配置

Financial Instrument 金融工具

Spin-off 脱离母公司的公司

Start-up 新成立的企业

Industry Consolidation 产业联合

Management Buyout 买断产权或管理权

Return on Investment 投资回报

Labor-intensive 劳动力密集型

Emerging Markets 新兴市场

Chain of Command 控制链

Quality Initiative 质量改进努力

Publicly Traded Companies 公开上市交易的公司

Tax Refund 出口退税

GDP Deflator GDP 紧缩指数

GDP Gap GDP 缺口

Recession 衰退

Depression 萧条

Inertial Growth Rate 惯性增长率

Aggregate Supply/Demand 总供给 / 需求

Equilibrium of AD and AS 总供给和总需求的均衡

Stagflation 滞胀

Fixed Money-Supply Effect 固定货币供给效应

Open-Market Operations 公开市场业务

Unemployment Benefits 失业救济

Concessionary Finance 优惠性融资

Production Gain 生产收益

MES (Minimum Efficient Scale)达到最有效的基本生产规模

Intra-Industry Specialization 行业内的专业化分工

Ad Valorem Tariff 从价税

Specific Duty 从量税

Voluntary Export Restraints (VERs)自动出口限制

Balance of Payment Disequilibrium 国际收支不平衡

Global Economic Welfare 全球经济福利

Signatory 签约方

Contracting Party 缔约方

Consumer Goods 消费品

Industrial Goods 工业产品

Transaction Marketing 交易营销

Relationship Marketing 关系营销

Market Segmentation 市场细分

Standardized Marketing 无差异性营销

Differentiated Marketing 差异性营销

Concentrated Marketing 集中性营销

Market Positioning 市场定位

Royalty Fee 许可费

Markup Pricing 加成定价

Perceived Value Pricing 价值定价法

Transfer Pricing 转移定价

EDI(Electronic Data Interexchange)电子数据交换

Import Surtax 进口附加税

Variable Levy 差额税

Sliding Duty 滑动关税

Threshold Price 门槛价格

Preferential Duties 特惠税

Escape Clause 免责条款

Prior Limitation 预定限额

Specific Duty 从量税

Ad Valorem Duty 从价税

Compound Duty 混合税

Price discretion 价格自主权

Sunk cost 旁置成本,滞留成本,沉没成本

Marginal cost 边际成本

Offset 抵消,补偿

Functional migration 职能转移

Procurement 物资采购

A local firm that is vertically integrated 纵向一体化公司

Equity capital 股本资本

Ordinary shares 普通股

Voluntary export restraints 自愿出口限制

Overarching strategy 支配性战略

Intra-company trade 公司内部贸易

Psychic distance 心理距离

Lines of business 业务领域

Overprice 将……标价过高

Differentiation strategy 差别化战略

Zaibatsu 财阀

LME-COMEX: International Metal Exchanges 国际金属交易所

VAT reimbursement schema 增值税先征后返

Market distortion 市场扭曲

World Bureau of Metal Statistics 国际金属统计局

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